a toolbox full of design, analysis and testing tools…

left to right, David, Julie and Martin Carder

As professional engineers, we have a toolbox crammed full of tools to design, analyse, test and verify not only plastic products but other mechanical parts and assemblies. Investment in additional FE analysis software packages will ensure that Rota Design Limited remains a world-class partner in the development of products especially those which have a structural loading and/or are safety critical.

“We set out to offer a unique and completely independent design and project management service commencing at concept stage, through product design, and onto manufacture. The addition of new software packages will enable us to broaden our scope of operations to meet our client’s needs,” says Martin Carder, the Managing Director of Rota Design Limited.

We are committed to providing innovative solutions and aim to verify the design to confirm that our design output will meet the requirements of the installation and service conditions imposed. Typically the analysis will include stresses and strains induced by normal and abnormal loading conditions. Thermal, dynamic and impact load cases as well a fatigue based studies are undertaken by our engineers, all of whom are apprentice trained, which provides us with a rich technical resource which is experience based.

Contact us today to discuss your next project